Top 5 Promotional Design Tips to Market Your Website

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Digital advertising is the only effective way to promote a new website. Out of all the digital advertising strategies, promotional design is one of the best ways to get attention.

People tend to retain information longer if it’s attached to pictures or graphics. On average, people who hear or read a piece of information will only remember 10% of the information three days later. When pictures are involved, that number rises to 65%.

Ahead we’ll cover some promotional design tips that will attract more eyeballs to your website.

Know Your Audience

Learning your audience is the first thing you should do if you’re creating a digital promotion for a new website. Learn what kind of designs your audience reacts to, and plan your strategy accordingly (learn more about how to create a website easily).

If you know your audience, you can more accurately target advertisements to them. You don’t need to waste time and money casting a wide net and can instead focus on your specific niche.

Utilize Social Media

79% of adult internet users (68% of all American Adults) use Facebook. Of that 79%, 76% say they use the platform on a daily basis. Instagram doesn’t boast the same numbers, but it’s another extremely popular social media website.

If you aren’t utilizing social media for advertising, you’re missing a huge percentage of your target audience. Pinterest, LinkedIn, and even SnapChat provide a way to market your website organically and gain an online following.

When creating a promotional design for social media, it’s essential to stand out from the pack. Try to think outside of the box, and create designs that will attract a wide variety of social media users.


Sweepstakes and giveaways are fantastic ways to get attention online. Add a hashtag to your contest to promote social engagement. Make them as shareable as possible through a variety of social media.

While these website visitors might not translate into customers, some of them certainly will. These sweepstakes give you the chance to get your name out there. Once someone has heard of you, the chance is higher they’ll come back to your site when they need your product or service.

Embrace the Memes

Memes are extremely popular on social media, so create some designs that your community will like to share. If you have a website tailored to small business owners, then create some niche-specific memes for them.

Designing memes will help your recognition as well as your social media engagement.

Learn Where to Focus Your Efforts

Every place you advertise will present a certain value. If one social media platform isn’t working, pivot away. Don’t waste time, money, and effort on platforms that your target audience doesn’t use.

Once you learn your market, you can tailor posts to the specific platform where customers are most likely to see them.

Promotional Design for Your Website

Promotional design is an integral part of gaining traffic to your website. These tips will help your online engagement, which will translate into more customers for your business.

Have more questions about digital promotion? Take a look at our blog for helpful tips and tricks.